Coronavirus Updates

Last updated: 11 June, 2024

Welcome to our dedicated hub for updates regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19).

We are monitoring the COVID-19 situation closely, guided by relevant federal and state authorities. These include the federal and state departments of health, the Prime Minister’s National Cabinet, each state’s premiers and territories chief ministers, as well as the federal and state chief medical officers.

We will do our very best to clearly communicate to you if the advice relevant to you changes; however, as the situation is subject to change please do what you can to keep abreast of the news.

Our highest priority is the health and wellbeing of our clients and staff, and their families. We are dedicated to your care and we are fully accredited by the Australian Council on Healthcare Standards, which routinely reviews all our policies and procedures.

Below are FAQs (frequently asked questions), which we will keep updated to answer common concerns.

If you have a question that is not answered to your satisfaction, please contact us so that we can provide an answer. We will then update our FAQs for the benefit of others seeking the same information.


  1. Are Reliant Healthcare staff being tested for COVID-19?
  2. What steps have you taken to assess whether Reliant Healthcare staff have COVID-19?
  3. What are you doing to minimise COVID-19 exposure among Reliant Healthcare staff and clients?
  4. How does COVID-19 impact upon Reliant Healthcare’s service to clients?
  5. What are my responsibilities as a client?
  6. What are the symptoms of COVID-19?
  7. What should I do if I suspect I have COVID-19?
  8. When are Reliant staff being vaccinated against COVID-19?
  9. Do you provide Rapid Antigen Testing (RAT)?


Are Reliant Healthcare staff being tested for COVID-19?

Reliant staff are regularly tested for COVID-19, as advised by the Department of Health. In addition, any staff who report symptoms are being tested and isolating as directed until a negative test result is returned. Reliant also has access to rapid antigen COVID-19 testing.

What steps have you taken to assess whether Reliant Healthcare staff have COVID-19?

Staff are required to confirm prior to the commencement of their shifts each working day that they are well, not experiencing any symptoms, and have not been in contact with a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19. Any staff experiencing symptoms or who have potentially been exposed to the virus are required to undertake testing and isolate until a negative test result is returned.

What are you doing to minimise COVID-19 exposure among Reliant Healthcare staff and clients?

Throughout the course of the pandemic, our Registered Nurse Clinical Coordinators have liaised with staff regarding the symptoms and ongoing risks of COVID-19. We have and continue to provide ongoing support, information and training to staff during this time. Reliant is an officially registered COVID Safe business and has a COVID-19 safety plan in place.

All our staff have refreshed their Infection Control training. This includes when and how to wash hands, keeping the workplace clean, and minimising the touching of hair, nose and mouth.

As per Reliant Healthcare’s Illness Policy:

  • If staff show signs or symptoms of any serious illness or infectious disease (including but not limited to fever, cough, sore throat, diarrhoea, vomiting, and other flu like symptoms) they are not to attend work.
  • Staff who present any of these symptoms whilst on shift are to go home immediately, and advise us.
  • Staff must provide us with confirmation that they are well each working day.

Additionally, staff must:

  • Be vaccinated against COVID-19, including a booster.
  • Contact us if they have had close contact with a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19, be tested and provide us with a confirmed negative test result, and isolate as required.
  • Continue to practice good hygiene, including proper hand washing and other infection control procedures.
  • Continue to travel safely to work. If travelling by public transport, staff must socially distance and wear a mask for the commute.
  • Wear a surgical mask while providing services to our clients. This requirement is based on updated advice from the Department of Health and NSW Health, and goes above and beyond what has been recommended.
  • Have the flu vaccine, which has been provided to staff free of charge by Reliant.

How does COVID-19 impact upon Reliant Healthcare’s service to clients?

We have taken every step possible to minimise the impact of COVID-19 on our services.

However, due to the protocols mentioned above, it may be unavoidable that our clients will not be able to have their usual carer for a brief period due to illness or suspected illness and a suitable replacement carer will be rostered in the short term.

What are my responsibilities as a client?

Responding to the threat of any communicable disease requires a coordinated approach, and the recent surge in cases in some areas of Australia have reinforced this fact.

We have done everything we can to minimise exposure to our staff, and therefore transmission from staff to clients. With this in mind, we ask that our clients do their part too.

Please ensure:

  • You update us with any recent travel that you may have undertaken, particularly if you or any known visitors have returned from overseas or travelled interstate (between any Australian states or territories) in the past 14 days.
  • You inform us immediately if any known visitors, or other people you may have come into contact with, have experienced any COVID-19 symptoms.
  • You obey the community rules as set out by the authorities.
  • You let us know if you notice anything of concern, either in your lives, or with our staff.
  • If you are a client and we ask you if you are experiencing any symptoms, that you honestly answer.

What are the symptoms of COVID-19?

COVID-19 is a contagious viral infection that generally causes respiratory illness in humans. Presentation can range from no symptoms (asymptomatic) to severe illness with potentially life-threatening complications, including pneumonia. COVID-19 is spread by contact with respiratory secretions and fomites (objects or materials which are likely to carry infection, such as clothes, utensils, benches and furniture).

The most common signs and symptoms include:

  • fever (though this may be absent in the elderly)
  • dry cough

Other symptoms can include:

  • shortness of breath
  • sputum production
  • fatigue

Less common symptoms include:

  • sore throat
  • headache
  • myalgia/arthralgia
  • chills
  • nausea or vomiting
  • nasal congestion
  • diarrhoea
  • haemoptysis
  • conjunctival congestion

Older people may also have the following symptoms:

  • increased confusion
  • worsening chronic conditions of the lungs
  • loss of appetite

The elderly often have non-classic respiratory symptoms.

What should I do if I suspect I have COVID-19?

The current advice from the Department of Health  is that if you believe you have been exposed to, or have COVID-19, you should phone the National Coronavirus Helpline (1800 020 080) for advice and get tested.

After that, and following any further advice the helpline has given you, please contact us as soon as possible to let us know.

When are Reliant staff being vaccinated against COVID-19?

We are happy to report that all our active staff are vaccinated against COVID-19, and our staff have also begun to receive their booster shots.

Do you provide Rapid Antigen Testing (RAT)?

We are pleased to deliver Rapid Antigen Testing (RAT) across a range of industries and workplaces. Please contact us to discuss whether this may be an appropriate option for you.

Please fill in the Contact Form below and we will get back to you.

Reliant Healthcare NSW
Post Building
4.09/46A Macleay Street
Elizabeth Bay NSW 2011

Phone: 02 9362 5500

Reliant Healthcare QLD
Level 1, 1024 Ann Street
Fortitude Valley QLD 4006
Phone: 07 3854 2370

Email: [email protected]

    Call us on 02 9362 5500
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